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Drought Now Showing






_3D Animation

Drought Now Showing is a campaign video created by motion graphic students to bring light to the seriousness of drought. Our goal is to help the younger generation attain a stronger understanding of the drought's entirety and its impact on the earth. It is difficult for us to fully understand the disastrous effects the drought has on our planet because it doesn't affect most of us directly. However, in other parts of the world, the drought has already made devastating impacts that we need to be aware of in order to take baby steps towards revitalizing our planet. 


Using pop culture movie references, we make the drought more relatable by pointing out its areas of impact in existing iconic movies. By doing so, we allow the viewers to realize they have already seen the effects of drought occurring in all their favorite movies, but have not realized it until now. This proves that drought is happening all around us and its effects are monumental.

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